Graffiti's Role In The Future Of Sociology

It is important to keep in mind that different levels of society are all interdependent upon one another. Any change affected on one level could influence or foster an unforeseen change in behavior on another level. Also, action taken to deter a group within society from a type of behavior can inadvertently strengthen it. The level of interdependence and complexity within societies is witnessed by this paradoxical effect. The factors that effect behavior in society today are extremely unique compared with historical examples. This provides the need for extra attention in any social occurrence that has significant similar influence of graffiti’s integration into popular culture.

Attempts to control large populations of people have occurred repeatedly since the beginning of civilizations. By analyzing the strengths, weaknesses and variations in techniques by past civilizations, we are able to gain invaluable insight into the daunting task of controlling behavior in large or marginalized populations. This must be done while also considering the nature of society’s structure during these periods to avoid overlooking key elements that could impact popular opinion. Humans have the capability to learn invaluable information by researching the roots of societal conformities. By paying closer attention to social behavior outbursts like graffiti or other conformities, we can use humans as a mouthpiece to bring to surface useful circumstances shared by a significant majority in a given population. Once a finger can be put on a societal norm, sociologists can conduct a critical evaluation and documentation of given circumstances that are identified as influencing the culmination of the given conformity. This information can help predict or at least explain what might have caused a particular human behavior.

Works Cited
- Chan, Sewell “A Sociologist’s Look on Graffiti” The New York Times

Devin C.